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SEQUENCE function
We are often asked how to find stocks for which technical event A occurred first, followed by event B, then C, and so on. Indeed, the ability to build such setups would make the Formula Screener tool even more powerful. Well, now you can! The SEQUENCE function allows you to create more complex screening criteria using a sequence of technical events on the stock chart. The conditions specified in the function correspond to the order of technical events on the chart. The last parameter indicates the number of days/bars on the chart during which the listed technical events should occur. For example, the formula expression sequence(price trend_up 100, price trend_dn 20, rsi(14) div_bull, rsi(14) ca 60, 50) will find stocks for which the price grows for 100 days, then make a rollback of 20 days, RSI shows a bullish divergence and then crosses 60. All four events occur one after another over 50 days. Or here is another example: sequence(nl_100, price ca sma(7), sma(7) > sma(7)@1, sma(7) ca sma(21), 20), - during the last 20 days, the price reached the new 100-day low, then the price crossed above SMA(7), then SMA(7) started to grow, and finally SMA(7) crossed above SMA(21). It is worth noting that you can specify up to ten conditions in the list, and they can be any expressions that you use in the formula screener. Also, the events in the list may have a time gap of several days/bars between each other, but the last event in the list must occur today/on the current bar. Try the new function in action now! We hope you enjoy it!
STARC indicator
The STARC (Stoller Average Range Channels) indicator, developed by Manning Stoller, creates upper and lower bands around a simple moving average (SMA) using a multiple of the Average True Range (ATR) to reflect market volatility. These bands act as dynamic support and resistance levels. When the price touches or nears the upper band, it suggests overbought conditions and potential price reversal or pullback. Conversely, when the price approaches the lower band, it indicates oversold conditions, signaling a possible price rebound. Traders use STARC Bands to identify trading opportunities in both trending and range-bound markets. You can select this indicator in the Volatility - Price category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to the Upper and Lower Bands by starcub(5.1.33,15) and starclb(5.1.33,15) in the Formula Screener. For example, the price ca starcub(5.1.33,15) expression means price crossed above upper band of the STARC indicator. Or, price cb starclb(5.1.33,15) reads that the price crossed below the lower band of the STARC indicator.
IBS indicator
The Internal Bar Strength (IBS) indicator, developed by quant trader Larry Connors, measures where a stock`s closing price falls within its daily range. The IBS value ranges from 0 to 1, calculated as: IBS = (Close-Low)/High-Low). A value close to 1 indicates that the stock closed near its daily high, suggesting potential overbought conditions. In contrast, a value close to 0 indicates a close near the daily low, signaling possible oversold conditions. Traders use IBS for mean-reversion strategies, where low IBS values may suggest buying opportunities and high IBS values may suggest selling opportunities. The indicator parameter is the period of the exponential moving average used to construct the signal line. You can select this indicator in the Oscillators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by ibs in the Formula Screener. For example, ibs(10) ca 0.5 expression means IBS(10) crossed above 0.5. Or, ibs(10) ca ibss(10) reads as IBS(10) crossed above signal line.
New market breadth indicators
The % of Stocks Above 20/50/100/200-day SMA market breadth indicators have been added to the product. These indicators measure the percentage of stocks in an index trading above their moving average. Traders use these indicators to assess the overall strength or weakness of the market. A high percentage of stocks (above 70%) are above their moving average, signals broad market strength, suggesting a bullish trend. Conversely, if the percentage is low (below 30%), it indicates market weakness and a bearish trend. Traders may also use the indicator to identify overbought or oversold conditions. A very high percentage (e.g., above 80%) may suggest the market is overbought and due for a pullback. In contrast, a very low percentage (e.g., below 20%) could indicate oversold conditions, hinting at a potential rally. Additionally, divergences between the indicator and the market index can signal weakening market internals, providing a warning of potential reversals. You can also use market breadth indicators as a regime filter in a formula expression, which can be helpful in strategy backtesting. For example, (a200ma > 50)@sp500 and sma(50) ca sma(200) give you all stocks with the 50-day moving average crossed above the 200-day moving average only if % of Stocks Above the 200-day SMA is above 50% for the S&P 500 index components.
Chart Template enhancement
A new option has been added to the Chart Template tool. It allows you to adjust the scale so that the price chart fits entirely within the chart height. However, some indicators may be partially hidden in this case. You can enable this feature by selecting the Adjust the scale to the price data only option on the Chart Template page.
Sector/Market Cap Breakdown report
The Breakdown report allows you to determine the Sector/Market Capitalization distribution of stocks that have passed the screening criteria. The report cell displays the number of stocks for the corresponding sector and market capitalization. When you click on that number, an additional filter will be applied to display the corresponding tickers. You can view the Breakdown report by enabling the appropriate option on the Stock Screener results page.
New stock universe criteria
New stock universe criteria related to the Indian market have been added to the product. You can select SME, F&O, and NSE & BSE Non-Repetative items in the Universe - Specific Market criteria category of the Stock Screener, or in formulaic expression, it can be written as market(sme), market(fno), and market(india) respectively. It is worth noting that the NSE & BSE Non-Repetative stock universe includes all stocks from the NSE exchange and those from the BSE exchange that are not in NSE.
Mega-cap added
The market capitalization classification has been changed by adding Mega-cap, which includes companies with more than 200 billion capitalization. For the Indian market, these are companies with a capitalization above 100,000 crores. You can select this criterion in the Universe-Capitalization category of the Stock Screener tool, or in formulaic expression, it may look like mcap(mega). Please be advised that stock screeners created before this change do not require adjustments and will work on the Mega-cap and Large-cap sets if they previously had Large-cap selected.
Marker Line chart
A new chart type has been added to the product - Marker Line. These charts are very similar to line charts, except that each period is additionally marked with a circle. For example, on a daily, weekly, and monthly chart, the closing price of the day, week, and month will be marked correspondingly. You can select this chart type on the Chart Template page, the Stock Chart page's chart settings, or a popup chart parameters panel.
PVI and NVI indicators
The Positive Volume Index (PVI) and Negative Volume Index (NVI) are technical indicators used to analyze market trends based on trading volume. PVI tracks price changes on days when trading volume increases compared to the previous day, often reflecting retail trader behavior. A rising PVI signals that higher volume is driving prices up, suggesting a bullish trend, while a falling PVI indicates that higher volume is pushing prices down, signaling bearish sentiment. NVI, on the other hand, focuses on days when volume decreases, often representing the actions of informed or institutional traders. A rising NVI during low-volume days suggests that smart money is driving prices up, which is a bullish signal. Conversely, a declining NVI implies that informed traders are selling, which could indicate a bearish trend. Traders commonly use both indicators with long-term moving averages to generate signals, such as bullish crossovers when the PVI or NVI moves above its moving average, and bearish signals when they fall below. Combining PVI and NVI helps in identifying shifts in market sentiment and potential trend reversals. You can select PVI and NVI indicators in the Volume category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to them by pvi(255) and nvi(255), respecevely, in the Formula Screener. For example, pvi(255) trend_up 7 expression reads as PVI is trending up over the last 7 days. You can also refer to the PVI`s exponential moving average (EMA, the signal line) in the formula expression. For example, the pvi(255) ca pvis(255) expression reads as PVI crossed above 255-day EMA.
QQE indicator
The QQE (Quantitative Qualitative Estimation) indicator is an advanced technical analysis tool that enhances the standard RSI (Relative Strength Index) by incorporating volatility through the ATR (Average True Range). The QQE generates two lines, the Smoothed RSI line and a slower QQE baseline, which traders use to identify potential market entries and exits. Buy signals occur when the Smoothed RSI line crosses above the QQE line, indicating bullish momentum. Sell signals are triggered when the Smoothed RSI line crosses below the QQE line, signaling bearish momentum. The QQE also highlights overbought and oversold conditions similar to the RSI, helping traders spot potential trend reversals. Additionally, the divergence between the price and QQE values can indicate weakening momentum, pointing to possible reversals. The smoothing effect of QQE makes it less prone to false signals, offering clearer insights in volatile markets. You can select the QQE indicator in the Oscillators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by qqe(14,5,4.236) in the Formula Screener. For example, qqe(14,5,4.236) ca 50 expression reads as QQE line crossed above 50. Or, qqe(14,5,4.236) div_bull means bullish divergence between the price and the QQE. You can also refer to the Smoothed RSI line in the formula expression. For example, qqes(14,5,4.236) ca qqe(14,5,4.236) expression reads as Smoothed RSI line crossed above QQE line.
Layout feature
The Stock Chart tool is now leveraged by the layout feature that allows you to have multiple charts on one page with different settings. This new feature is designed to enhance your workflow, as it enables you to compare multiple stocks or indices at a glance. You can place up to 9 charts of different scales and types with various indicators and periods. You can create your custom layouts or use the system. The panel on the right allows you to select the desired ticker from the watch list or the index components. You can try the improved tool in action now using this link!
Market cap thresholds change
The classification of companies based on market capitalization (market cap) falls into several categories: Large-cap, Mid-cap, Small-cap, and Micro-cap. You can select this criterion in the Universe - Capitalization category of the Stock Screener tool. The thresholds for each category have been changed to the following values: Large-cap: Greater than 10B, Mid-cap: 2B - 10B, Small-cap: 300M - 2B, Micro-cap: Lower than 300M. For the Indian market, thresholds are as follows: Large-cap: Greater than 20000 Cr, Mid-cap: 5000 Cr - 20000 Cr, Small-cap: 1000 Cr - 5000 Cr, Micro-cap: Lower than 1000 Cr. Please also note that you can use the Price / Volume - Cap, mln criterion in the Stock Screener tool to set any capitalization condition.
Pricing model change
10/14/2024 is excited to announce that we are switching from a recurring subscription to a one-time payment model. This means that a paid membership will not auto-renew when it expires. However, you will be able to renew your membership manually from the Sign-Up page. You may receive a notification that your subscription has been canceled. This should not confuse you. Your membership will remain active until the end of the paid period. This only means that the membership will not auto-renew. We apologize for any inconvenience caused due to this change. Feel free to contact us if you need assistance with the membership renewal. We will be happy to help!
Industry view
When viewing Charts on the screening results page, it wasn't easy to see when the industry in the ticker list changed. We have added sector and industry dividers to make the process more convenient. Now, the charts are grouped by sectors and industries in the "Industry" view. Please note that sector and industry dividers also appear in the Charts view if the screener results are sorted by Sector.
Earnings report dates markup
The earnings report dates markup indicator has been added to the product. For a given stock, it shows what days earnings reports were released, what the next earnings report date is, and how many days are left until it's due. You can add this indicator to a stock chart or chart template by selecting Earn rep dates from the list of available indicators. Or, you can add the " and draw(earnrep)" to a formula expression to display the indicator on charts.
New quarterly fundamental indicators
The following quarterly fundamental indicators have become available for use in the Formula Screener: Enterprise Value, EBIT, Return On Equity, Return On Assets, Return On Invested Capital, Free Cash Flow, Debt / Equity Ratio, Buyback Yield, Book Value Per Share, and Funds From Operations. You can refer to data from current and previous fiscal quarters or years. Quarter-Over-Quarter and Year-Over-Year performance metrics are also supported for them. For more details, please refer to the Quarterly Data, Annual Data, Year-Over-Year Performance, and Quarter-Over-Quarter Performance sections on the corresponding help page.
New stock exchanges added
The following stock exchanges have been added to the product: Euronext (Amsterdam, Milan, Paris, Brussels, Lisbon), SIX Swiss Exchange, Madrid Exchange, Vienna Exchange, Prague Exchange, Irish Exchange, Oslo Exchange, Helsinki Exchange, Tel Aviv Exchange, Dubai Financial Market, Kuwait Stock Exchange, Korea Stock Exchange. For them, all the same functionality is available as for other exchanges. To screen these exchanges, select the appropriate items in the Stock Universe criteria category of the Stock Screener tool.
Velocity and Acceleration indicator
Scott Cong, PhD, first presented the VAcc (Velocity and Acceleration) indicator in the Stocks & Commodities magazine in September 2023. The idea was to analyze markets using simple physical concepts such as velocity and acceleration. The indicator includes a Velocity line plotted as a red line on the chart and Acceleration values plotted as a histogram. The velocity line shows how fast the trading instrument grows, and its values above zero indicate a strong bullish trend. The rising velocity line shows that the trading instrument is growing at an ever-increasing speed. At the same time, positive acceleration values mean an increase in the velocity's growth rate. The same approach, applied in reverse, will help determine how fast the price of an asset is moving down and whether this move is speeding up or slowing down. Since the VAcc indicator is an oscillator, traders can use the technical analysis approaches for oscillators. For example, the velocity line crossing above the zero mark can signal the emergence of a bullish trend. Conversely, a downward crossover of the zero mark gives a sell signal. Bullish divergence between the price and the velocity line or price and the acceleration values suggests a buying opportunity. At the same time, the continuing rise of the velocity line indicates a strong bullish trend and growing buying interest. It is worth noting that the VAcc indicator is similar to MACD but gives more responsive and accurate signals. You can select the VAcc indicator in the Oscillators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by vacc(26,9) in the Formula Screener. For example, vacc(26,9) ca 0 expression reads as velocity line crossed above 0. Or, vacc(13,8) div_bull means bullish divergence between the price and the velocity line. You can also refer to the acceleration values in the formula expression. For example, acceleration(26,9) div_bull means bullish divergence between the price and the acceleration values.
Log Scale
A logarithmic price scale option is now available for stock charts. You can select it by clicking Log in the settings panel below the chart. This option was also added to the Chart Template tool.
A log scale on the price axis means that equal vertical distances on the chart represent equal percentage changes. It contrasts with a linear scale where equal vertical distances represent equal absolute price changes. Log scales are handy for visualizing long-term trends. They compress the scale for large values and expand it for smaller values, providing a clearer picture of a stock's overall performance over an extended period.
Combining periods
The option to combine periods has been added to the Charts view of the stock screening results page. Now, you can view charts of different periods for the same ticker. For example, you can select daily and weekly periods on the Charts view by first selecting On for the Combine periods option. In this case, you will be able to view the weekly and daily charts next to each other for each trading instrument. You can select any combination of supported periods, including intraday periods. It is worth noting that this option is also available in the Watch List and Portfolio Tracker tools. You can also combine chart templates in the Combine Periods mode. For example, you might have a chart template with selected daily periods and a set of indicators and another chart template with selected weekly periods and a different set of indicators. Then, choosing both templates in the Combine Periods mode lets you view different indicators for daily and weekly charts.
Index CFDs
Contract for difference (CFD) indices have been added to the product. Due to the large number of arbitrage transactions, these instruments mimic the underlying indices. It is worth noting that intraday periods are supported for these CFDs. You can select index CFDs in the Aggregates category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by aggregate(cfd) in the Formula Screener.
New tutorial video
A new tutorial video has been added to our YouTube channel. It demonstrates how to use intraday periods (5-minute, 15-minute, 30-minute, hourly, and 4-hourly) in the Stock Screener and Strategy Backtest tools. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, this video will be helpful as it demonstrates the basic and advanced features of
Arms Index
The Arms Index, also known as the TRIN (Short-Term TRading INdex), has been added to the group of market breadth indicators. Richard Arms developed the indicator in the 1960s. It is calculated by dividing the ratio of advancing stocks to declining stocks by the ratio of advancing volume to declining volume. Interpreting the Arms Index involves looking at its value in relation to certain thresholds. A value below "1" is considered bullish, indicating that advancing stocks and volume dominate the market. Conversely, a value above "1" is considered bearish, suggesting that declining stocks and volume are more prevalent. Extremely low values (below 0.5) or high values (above 2) are often seen as potential reversal signals. It is worth noting that all market breadth indicators only apply to market indices such as Dow Jones 30 or S&P 500. You can use market breadth indicators as a regime filter in a formula expression which can be useful in strategy backtesting. For example, (trin < 1)@sp500 and sma(50) ca sma(200) give you all stocks with the 50-day moving average crossed above the 200-day moving average only if Arms Index (TRIN) is below "1" on the S&P 500 chart.
New chart template settings
New Chart Template settings allow you to get more company data in the chart's upper text: Stock exchange, sector, industry, open, high, low, close prices, and volume. Note that the list of all saved chart templates is displayed below the chart, and you can apply a template by clicking on the template's name. If a template is set as the default chart template, any new chart opened on the site will automatically apply that template.
DSS Bressert Indicator
The DSS Bressert indicator, or Double Smoothed Stochastic, was developed by Walter Bressert to provide smoother and more reliable signals than the traditional Stochastic oscillator. The benefits of the DSS include improved signal clarity, reduced noise, and enhanced sensitivity to market changes. The indicator provides signals of overbought and oversold levels, with readings above 80 suggesting overbought conditions and below 20 indicating oversold conditions. It generates bullish signals when the DSS line crosses above the signal line and bearish signals when the DSS line crosses below the signal line. The indicator can also be used to detect divergences. Divergence occurs when the indicator moves in the opposite direction of the price trend, potentially signaling a trend reversal. The DSS indicator has two parameters. The first represents the period for the stochastic and the second period for the EMA. You can select this indicator in the Oscillators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by dss(13,8) in the Formula Screener. For example, dss(13,8) ca 20 expression reads as DSS crossed above 20. Or, dss(13,8) ca dsss(13,8) means DSS crossed above its signal line.
Intraday Momentum Index
The Intraday Momentum Index (IMI) was developed by Tushar Chande, a well-known technical analyst and author of several books on trading strategies, in 1994. Chande developed the IMI to address some of the shortcomings of other momentum indicators, such as the RSI, which can be slow to react to short-term changes in momentum. The IMI indicator is calculated by comparing the total price increases to the total price decreases over a given period. The resulting value ranges from 0 to 100, with higher values indicating stronger upward momentum and lower values indicating stronger downward momentum. You can select this indicator in the Oscillators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by imi(14) in the Formula Screener. For example, imi(14) ca 50 expression reads as IMI crossed above 50. Or, imi(14) div_bull means IMI bullish divergence condition.
New screening criteria
The following stock screening criteria have been added to the Universe category of the Stock Screener tool: Security Type (Warrant, Right, Fixed Income, Shell Company, Unit), Equity Type (Common Stock, Preferred Stock), Equity Class (Local Equity, ADR, GDR), Headquarter Country. Please note that warrants, rights, fixed-income instruments, shell companies, units, and preferred stocks are not included in the stock universe by default. Still, you can add new criteria in the Stock Screener or Formula Screener tools for screening the required trading instruments.
Technical issues with sending SMS
We are currently experiencing technical issues with sending text messages within the United States. This may affect the delivery of Screen Alerts and Trade/Price Alerts if SMS is selected as the delivery method. At the moment, we are still determining exactly how long it will take to resolve this problem. As a workaround, we recommend using TM (Telegram Messenger app) or email as a delivery method for alerts. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue.
Switching to a subscription model
Starting March 20, 2023, the service will switch to a subscription model. This means that membership plans paid after March 20 will automatically renew under the same conditions. Please note that membership plans paid before March 20 will not automatically renew, but you will be able to manually renew your subscription on the My Account page or the Sign Up page.
Coppock Curve
The Coppock Curve is a momentum-based indicator used to identify long-term buying opportunities in the stock market. It was developed by economist Edwin Coppock in the 1960s and is based on the idea that market momentum tends to turn upward following extended periods of decline. Traders use the Coppock indicator to identify potential buying opportunities when the curve crosses above zero after an extended period of decline. This crossover is seen as a signal that the market has bottomed out and is poised for a new uptrend. Conversely, when the indicator crosses below zero after an extended period of advance, it is seen as a potential signal that the market has peaked and is poised for a new downtrend. You can select this indicator in the Oscillators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by coppock(14,11,10) in the Formula Screener. For example, coppock(14,11,10) ca 0 expression means Coppock Curve crossed above zero. Or, coppock(14,11,10) trend_up 20 reads as Coppock Curve is trending up over the last 20 days.
Volume Price Trend indicator
The basic idea behind the Volume Price Trend (VPT) (sometimes Price Volume Trend) indicator is that price changes at high trading volume are more significant than those at low trading volume. The VPT indicator attempts to capture this relationship by incorporating volume into calculating price trends. It calculates the cumulative total volume multiplied by price change and then adds to a running total. This running total can be used to identify trends and potential trend reversals. You can select this indicator in the Oscillators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by vpt in the Formula Screener. For example, vpt div_bull expression means VPT bullish divergence condition. Or, vpt trend_up 20 reads as VPT is trending up over the last 20 days.
Indian stock market indexes
Nifty 50, Nifty Next 50, Nifty 200, and Nifty 500 market indexes have become available as Index Membership criteria in the Stock Screener's Universe category. Index membership criteria can also be written in formula expression, for example, index(nifty50,next50). Backtesting on Nifty 50 components is available starting in 2010 due to the lack of the components' transition information. Backtesting on Nifty Next 50, Nifty 200, and Nifty 500 components is available beginning in 2023 for the same reason. The new indexes are also included in the World Indexes criterion's group of the Stock Screener's Universe / Aggregates category and are available on the market breadth page.
Formula expression: BARS_SINCE function
The BARS_SINCE function has been added to the Formula Screener tool. The function returns the number of days/bars that have passed since the specified technical event. For example, the formula expression bars_since(price ca sma(200)) > 3 reads as the number of days since the price crossed above the 200-day moving average is more than three. The formula would return a zero value if the technical event occurred today (on the current bar). It is also necessary to consider that the function will use only the last 500 bars to search for the specified technical event. The formula also applies to intraday periods. For example, the formula expression exch(iex) and bars_since(sma(7) cb sma(50))@h1 < 5 will find stocks on the IEX exchange for which the number of bars/hours passed since the 7-period moving average crossed below the 50-period moving average is less than five on the hourly chart.
Moving averages on indicators
If we consider, for example, the MACD indicator, we will see that it has two lines, the MACD line and the signal line, which is a smoothing (moving average) of the MACD line. The signal line allows us to set, for example, conditions such as MACD crossed above the signal line or MACD is above the signal line. But many indicators, such as the RSI or MOM, do not have a signal line, which does not allow us to set such criteria. Now you can create a signal line and add conditions using it in the Formula Screener. For example, rsi(14) ca sma(rsi(14), 20) reads as RSI crossed above its 20-period moving average (the signal line). Or, rsi(14) > sma(rsi(14), 20) reads as RSI is above the signal line. Currently, the following moving averages are supported for creating signal lines, SMA, EMA, and WMA. They can be applied to any indicators, including moving averages themselves. For example, sma(20) cb ema(sma(20), 50) reads as SMA crossed below its 50-period exponential moving average. Or, sma(20) < wma(sma(20), 50) reads as SMA is below its 50-period weighted moving average.
Average Daily Range
The Average Daily Range indicator (ADR) calculates the average daily high-to-low distances. It shows how much the price of an asset moves per day on average, and it is very similar to the Average True Range (ATR) indicator, with the difference that it does not consider any gaps with the previous day's closing price. The ADR indicator measures volatility and shows whether the price movement is out of the norm. For example, if an asset rallying during a trading session significantly exceeds its average daily range, further move in this direction is unlikely. This scenario suggests opening a position in the opposite direction and closing trading positions previously opened in the order of movement. You can select the ADR indicator in the Volatility category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by adr(14) in the Formula Screener. For example, adr(14) new_high 50 expression means ADR reached new 50-day high. Or, adr(14) trend_up 20 reads as ADR is trending up over the last 20 days.
Chaikin Volatility indicator
The Chaikin's Volatility indicator was invented by Mark Chaikin, a longtime stock trader and analyst. The indicator is used to measure volatility by analyzing the gap between the minimum and maximum price of an asset over a certain number of periods. According to the theory, the indicator can be used to recognize market phases. New tops/bottoms on the chart and an increase in volatility in a short time indicate panic buy/sell. If the market tops/bottoms are accompanied by a decrease in volatility for a long time, this indicates a stable bull/bear market. It is also worth noting that an uptrend/downtrend reversal may be accompanied by a slow or short-term increase in volatility. You can select this indicator in the Volatility category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by cv(10,12) in the Formula Screener. For example, cv(10,12) new_high 50 expression means CV reached new 50-day high. Or, cv(10,12) trend_up 20 reads as CV is trending up over the last 20 days.
Know Sure Thing indicator
Martin Pring first published the KST (Know Sure Thing) indicator in the Stocks & Commodities magazine in 1992. The indicator formula utilizes four different time frames to show overall momentum and not just momentum over one specific timeframe. Like the momentum oscillator, KST generates trading signals when the indicator line crosses the signal line. The trading signal will be stronger if the crossover is in the oversold/overbought zone or if there is a divergence between the indicator and price. If the KST stays above zero during an uptrend, it confirms the trend. The inverse is valid for a downtrend. The KST indicator has nine parameters. The first four numbers represent periods for Rate Of Change (ROC) indicators, the second four are moving averages' periods for the corresponding ROC indicators, and the last number is the smoothing period for the signal line. You can select this indicator in the Oscillators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by kst in the Formula Screener. For example, kst(10,15,20,30,10,10,10,15,9) div_bull expression means KST bullish divergence. Or, kst(10,15,20,30,10,10,10,15,9) ca ksts(10,15,20,30,10,10,10,15,9) reads as KST crossed above signal line.
Pretty Good Oscillator
The PGO indicator (Pretty Good Oscillator) has been added to the product. Developed by Mark Johnson, the Pretty Good Oscillator measures the distance of the current price from a Moving Average, expressed in terms of an Average True Range over a similar period. Johnson's approach was to use it as a breakout system for longer-term trades. According to this approach, if the PGO rises above 3.0, it is a buy signal. Falling below -3.0 gives a trader a sell signal. In both cases, returning to zero can be considered a signal to close the trading position. It is also possible to catch divergences with the Pretty Good Oscillator. They occur when the indicator and price do not move in the same direction and allow a trader to identify turning points. In the Formula Screener you can use pgo(14) for the PGO indicator. For example, the "crossing above 3" condition may look like this: pgo(14) ca 3
New screening criteria
New stock screening criteria have been added to the product. You can select the New High Over The Last N-days and New Low Over The Last N-days criteria for technical indicators in the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by new_high and new_low in the Formula Screener. For example, the rsi(14) new_high 50 expression reads as the 14-day RSI has reached its 50-day new high. Or, price new_low 100 and adx(14) new_low 50 reads like a stock's price reached its 100-day new low, and the 14-day ADX reached its 50-day new low. It is worth noting that the new criteria can be applied to any indicator or line listed here.
Chart scrolling
The chart scrolling feature has been added to the product. It allows you to view more historical data by scrolling a stock chart to the right or left. Use the corresponding icons in the lower right corner of the Stock Chart page for scrolling.
Wash-sale rule
The Comply with the wash-sale rule option has been added to the Strategy Backtest tool. The wash-sale happens when an investor sells a stock for a loss and repurchases it within 30 days. The wash-sale rule was designed by the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to prevent investors from the tax deduction. If the Comply with the wash-sale rule option is selected, the Trading Simulator will ignore buy signals for tickers sold at a loss within 30 days. Please note that this option only tracks the ticker name and does not consider substantially identical assets. For example, if SPY was sold at a loss, then the system will not prevent the purchase of IVV.
Shenzhen Stock Exchange added
The Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) has been added to the product. All the same functionality is available for SZSE as for other exchanges. To screen this exchange, select the appropriate item in the Stock Universe criteria category of the Stock Screener tool.
We accept payment in cryptocurrency now
You can purchase MarketInOut membership with cryptocurrency by selecting the corresponding option on the Sign Up page. When paying with cryptocurrency, there is a discount of 10%, 15%, and 20% for 6-Month, 1-Year, and 2-Year membership, respectively. If you are renewing with cryptocurrency, please specify the same email address you use to log in to the site to make it easier for the system to process your payment. Currently, the purchase is possible in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dogecoin. It is worth noting that you can also add another six months, one year, or two years to your current membership by purchasing the corresponding plan on the Sign Up page. The system will handle the payment by adding the corresponding period to the membership`s expiration date.
New fundamental indicators
Data from quarterly and annual companies' financial reports, as well as quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year performances, 5-year compound annual growth rate data, and 5-year averages, are now available in the Formula Screener tool. You can view the complete list of supported financial data on the Fundamental Indicators help page. You can also view using new fundamental indicators in the CANSLIM strategy.
Intraday periods for cryptocurrencies
5-minute, 15-minute, 30-minute, 1-hour, and 4-hour periods have been added for cryptocurrencies. You can select these periods in the corresponding select-box on the Crypto Screener editing page or refer to it by @m5, @m15, @m30, @h1, or @h4 in the Formula Screener. For example, crex(binance,coinbase) and (sma(7) ca sma(21))@h4 reads as a 7-period simple moving average crossed above 21-period simple moving average on the 4-hour chart. You can also use intraday periods in the Crypto Backtest and Chart Template tools. Please note that using intra-day periods may limit backtesting to a shorter period due to the lack of corresponding data.
Volume Weighted Average Price
The VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) indicator has been added to the product, and you can use it in the Formula Screener. But there are some limitations. It applies only to tickers on the IEX exchange and currency pairs on Forex since, at this time, intraday data is supported by us only for IEX and Forex. Therefore, for screening US stocks using the VWAP indicator, you should add IEX exchange to the stock universe criterion. For example, in the Formula Screener, the exch(iex) and vwap > sma(7) expression reads as VWAP is above the 7-day moving average. Or, exch(iex) and (price ca vwap)@m15 means price crossed above VWAP on 15-minute periods. Both formulas will screen IEX as we have specified the corresponding condition. Please note that the VWAP indicator can not be selected in the regular Stock Screener tool. It is available in the Formula Screener tool only.
Earnings report date
The earnings report date has been added to the Stock Quote page. Also, using the Formula Screener tool, you can find stocks for which earnings report date will be in a specified number of days or from the earnings report date of which a specified number of days have passed. So, for example, the formula expression days_to_earn_rep() < 5 can be used to find companies that will report in the next five days. Or, the expression days_since_earn_rep() < 5 will work to find companies reported in the last five days.
Portfolio import
This feature can be helpful for those who use the Portfolio Tracker tool to monitor their trading positions. You can now import trading positions from a CSV (comma-separated values) file into a portfolio. Each line in the file must correspond to one position and contain the values separated by commas in the following order: Ticker name, Entry date, Entry price, Position size, Exit date, Exit price. Since there can be active and closed positions, the last two fields are optional. The header line is not allowed. You can import only a text file with a size of no more than 200 kilobytes containing no more than 1000 lines. You can view an example of such a file: example.csv
Darvas Box indicator
The Darvas Box indicator has been added to the product. Darvas' theory is based on trading ranges (boxes), the upper and lower boundaries of which are the highest and lowest prices for a certain period, respectively. Thus, the price peaks form the upper and lower borders of the box. A price breakout beyond the upper bound gives a buy signal. Conversely, a price breakout beyond the lower bound is a sell signal. The opposite border of the box in both cases acts as a protective stop loss level. The indicator on the site is provided in the form of two continuous lines, green and red. The green line is the top border of the box, and the red line is the bottom border of the box. The indicator parameters are the number of days with prices below the peak bar on the left and right, respectively. You can select Darvas Box criteria in the Volatility - Price category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to upper and lower lines by darvasub and darvaslb in the Formula Screener. For example, price ca darvasub(5,3) expression means price crossed above Darvas upper line. Or, price cb darvaslb(5,3) reads as price crossed below Darvas lower line.
Toby Crabel patterns
Toby Crabel is a legendary trader who became a millionaire by trading the financial markets. His book, Day Trading with Short-Term Price Patterns, written in 1990, gained worldwide fame and praise from renowned trading gurus such as Larry Williams and Linda Raschke. Through extensive research, Crabel has identified how price bar patterns can predict subsequent price changes. The most popular patterns described in the book, such as Inside Day, NR4, NR7, Spring, Upthrust, are now available in the Chart Patterns - Toby Crabel criteria category of the Stock Screener tool.
Strategy Backtest Web API
This feature can be helpful for those who use the Strategy Backtest tool to track their trading positions on the live market. Each strategy you create has a permanent URL assigned to it. This URL lets you get a list of recently simulated trading positions with such data as entry price, position size, stop loss and take profit levels in a computer-friendly text format.
This data can help execute the strategy on the live market. Many brokers support the ability to create trading robots, special computer programs serving to automate stock trading. You can use such a program to synchronize your trading positions by sending Web requests a few minutes before the market closes. Or, if your strategy uses the Next Day Open model, you can get data shortly after the market opens. You can view the URL assigned to your trading strategy by clicking on the Plug icon on the Strategy Backtest results page.
Elliott Wave Oscillator
The Elliott Wave Oscillator has been added to the product. Elliott waves are one of the most commonly used methods of technical analysis. However, the author of Elliott waves, Ralph Nelson Elliott, found out that it is not easy to determine whether a new wave has formed or not in some cases. To solve this problem, he designed the Elliott Wave Oscillator (EWO). The indicator is the difference between a 5-period and 35-period simple moving average. On the chart, it is plotted as a histogram with positive and negative areas. Here are some rules to follow when using the indicator. The first wave in a bullish uptrend often begins with a bullish divergence between the prices and the EWO indicator. And the fifth wave usually ends with a bearish divergence. The highest values of the EWO indicator are during the third wave. During corrective waves, the indicator does not reach new peaks. provides Elliott Wave Oscillator with a signal line, the 5-period moving average of the indicator. You can select EWO in the Oscillators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by ewo in the Formula Screener. For example, ewo(5,35,5) div_bull expression means EWO(5,35,5) bullish divergence. Or, ewo(5,35,5) ca ewos(5,35,5) reads as EWO(5,35,5) crossed above signal line.
Williams Alligator
The Alligator indicator has been added to the product. Bill Williams invented the Alligator indicator in 1995 as a visual tool for trend recognition. It consists of three lines overlaid on a pricing chart representing Jaw, Teeth, and Lips. Jaw, Teeth, and Lips are 13-period, 8-period, and 5-period smoothed moving averages moved by 8, 5, and 3 periods into the future, respectively. It is also worth noting that these moving averages are calculated based on median price. When all the lines are intertwined, the market is in consolidation (the alligator is asleep). Conversely, when three lines are stretched apart and moving higher or lower, it denotes a bullish or bearish trend correspondingly (the alligator's mouth is wide open). If the distance between the lines decreases, this may signal the end of the current tendency (the alligator is sated). Line crossings can also signal a trading opportunity. For example, when the Jaw line crosses above other lines, it is a buy signal. And vice versa, the crossing below Teeth and Lips lines by the Jaw line can be considered a sell signal.
You can select Jaw, Teeth, and Lips lines in the Moving Averages criteria category of the Stock Screener tool. In the Formula Screener, you can use jaw, teeth, and lips variables to refer to the indicator's lines. For example, jaw(13,8) ca teeth(8,5) reads as Jaw crossed above Teeth. Or, price cb lips(5,3) reads as price crossed below Lips. It is also worth noting that in the formula screener, when using comparison operators (< or >), we refer to the most recent line values that are moved into the future. If we want to compare two values that correspond to the same date on the chart, we need to use the shift operator, for example, teeth(8,5) > jaw(13,8)@3. The Teeth line is moved by five periods and the Jaw line by eight periods in the future. Therefore, to compensate for the difference, we need to take the 3rd value of the Jaw line from the right. Or, another example, price > jaw(13,8)@8. Here we take the 8th value of the Jaw line on the right, corresponding to the current date on the chart, to compare it with the last price.
Stock Screen Web API
You can create and backtest trading strategies with, and our team has done a great job on this. But what about automated trading? Our product is not broker-integrated, and we cannot trade on your behalf. But many brokers support the ability to create trading robots, special computer programs serving to automate stock trading. And we can provide you with a Web API (Application Programming Interface) that you can use to get data from the stock screener in such programs. Sending Web requests at regular intervals makes it possible to determine which tickers meet a stock screen's criteria. This functionality, implemented in a trading robot and other logic associated with opening and closing positions, enables you to automate stock trading.
Such a Web API is available now. Each stock screen you create has a permanent URL assigned to it. This URL allows you to get a list of tickers that meet the criteria of the corresponding stock screen in a computer-friendly text format. You can view the URL assigned to your stock screen by clicking on the Plug icon on the Stock Screener results page.
Intraday periods for IEX
In addition to 1-hour and 4-hour periods, 5-minute, 15-minute, and 30-minute periods have been added for IEX exchange. You can select these periods in the corresponding select-box on a Stock Screener editing page or refer to it by @m5, @m15, or @m30 in the Formula Screener. For example, exch(iex) and (sma(7) ca sma(21))@m5 reads as 7-period simple moving average crossed above 21-period simple moving average on the 5-minute chart. You can also use intraday periods in the Strategy Backtest and Chart Template tools. Please note that using intra-day periods may limit backtesting to a shorter period due to the lack of corresponding data.
Intraday periods for Forex
In addition to 1-hour and 4-hour periods, 5-minute, 15-minute, and 30-minute periods have been added for Forex. You can select these periods in the corresponding select-box on a Forex Screener editing page or refer to it by @m5, @m15, or @m30 in the Formula Screener. For example, fxgroup(all) and (sma(7) ca sma(21))@m5 reads as 7-period simple moving average crossed above 21-period simple moving average on 5-minute chart. You can also use intraday periods in the Strategy Backtest and Chart Template tools.
4-hour periods
In addition to hourly periods, 4-hour periods have been added for the IEX exchange and Forex. You can select 4-hour periods in the corresponding select-box on a stock screen editing page or refer to it by @h4 in the Formula Screener. For example, exch(iex) and (sma(7) ca sma(21))@h4 reads as 7-period simple moving average crossed above 21-period simple moving average on 4-hour chart. You can also use 4-hour periods in the Strategy Backtest tool. It is worth mentioning that intra-day periods are supported only for the IEX exchange and Forex. Therefore the corresponding exchanges should be selected as the stock universe criterion.
Relative Vigor Index
John Ehler first published the RVI (Relative Vigor Index) indicator in the Stocks & Commodities magazine in 2002. RVI helps determine if the market sentiment is bullish or bearish by comparing the closing and opening prices. In a growing market, the indicator shows how much the closing prices are higher than the open prices relative to the daily range, that is, how much the price rises vigorously during trading sessions. The indicator line will also grow in this case, showing the strength of the uptrend. On the contrary, in a falling market, the indicator will decline the more actively, the more energy is inherent in falling prices. Thus, the indicator helps to determine whether the current movement has potential for further development or if a reversal is expected. Like the Stochastic Oscillator, RVI generates trading signals when the indicator line crosses the signal line. The trading signal will be stronger if the crossover is in the oversold/overbought zone or if there is a divergence between the indicator and price. You can select this indicator in the Oscillators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by rvi in the Formula Screener. For example, rvi(10) div_bull expression means RVI(10) bullish divergence. Or, rvi(10) ca rvis(10) reads as RVI(10) crossed above signal line.
Formula expression: IF function
The IF function can be useful in the formula for closing a position in the backtesting tool in combination with the STOPAT or TAKEAT instructions. For example, in the following formula expression, the stop loss will be set at the day's low level, but only if the position's profit is more than 5%: if(price > 1.05 * posprice, stopat(low[0])). In this case, the function takes two arguments, a condition and an instruction that will be executed if the condition is met. You can also use the IF function in an arithmetic expression. It returns the value of the second or third argument, depending on the first argument's value. For example, the formula expression rsi(14) ca if(price > ema(21), 60, 40) will work like rsi(14) ca 60 in case if price > ema(21) and as rsi(14) ca 40 otherwise. It is worth noting that this expression is a shorter form for (price > ema(21) and rsi(14) ca 60) or (price <= ema(21) and rsi(14) ca 40).
New fundamental indicators
Revenue, EV / Revenue, and Revenue per Share (RPS) fundamental criteria have been added to the product. In the Stock Screener tool, Revenue, EV / Revenue are available in the Operating Metrics category, and RPS is available in the Basic Fundamental category. In the Formula Screener tool, you can refer to these fundamental indicators as revenue, enterprise_revenue, and rps. It is worth noting that Revenue is in millions and is calculated for the trailing twelve months (TTM).
Williams' Fractals
The Fractals indicator was developed by Bill Williams to help analysts identify local price highs and lows. These extrema are called fractals and are indicated by arrows on the price chart above the bar or candlestick corresponding to this local extremum. According to the author, Fractals are one of the few technical analysis tools that really work. Each fractal can be used to identify support or resistance level. However, it is recommended to use additional filters to determine market entry points. The Fractals indicator available on the site is customizable so that you can specify the number of bars to the left and right of the peak bar. The default values of the indicator parameters are "2,2". In this case, the fractal will be formed by 5 bars: a peak bar, two bars on the left, and two on the right. You can select the Fractals indicator's criteria in the "Line Studies" category of the Stock Screener tool. It is also worth noting that special functions have been added to access the fractal levels' values. You can view a list of these functions in the Williams' Fractals section on the Formula Screener help page.
QStick Indicator
The QStick indicator helps to identify the trend's direction and strength by the average size of white (bullish) and black (bearish) candles for a certain period. Simplistically, we can say that if we see more white candles, then the indicator value will be above zero. Still, if black candles dominate, then the indicator value will be below zero. If the indicator moves from negative to positive, then this is a buy signal. And vice versa, the movement from a positive to a negative zone can be considered a sell signal. The QStick indicator's similarity with oscillators also allows you to identify overbought/oversold zones and bullish/bearish divergences. On the chart, the indicator is plotted as a histogram. A signal line is also added to make it easier to find pivot points. The QStick indicator has two parameters: the period for moving average of candlestick sizes, and period for the signal line - EMA of the QStick histogram. You can select this indicator in the Trend Indicators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by qstick (QStick histogram) or qsticks (QStick signal line) in the Formula Screener. For example, qstick(8,5) > 0 expression means QStick value is above zero. Or, qstick(8,5) ca qsticks(8,5) reads as the QStick indicator crossed above the QStick signal line.
New Highs - New Lows indicator
The New Highs - New Lows indicator (NH-NL) has been added to the group of the market breadth indicators. The NH-NL indicator displays the daily difference between the number of stocks reaching new 52-week highs and the number of stocks reaching new 52-week lows. You can interpret NH-NL as a divergence indicator or as an oscillator. The NH-NL indicator generally reaches its extreme lows slightly before a major market bottom. As the market then turns up from the major bottom, the indicator jumps up rapidly. During this period, many new stocks are making new highs because it's easy to make a new high when prices have been depressed for a long time. As the cycle matures, a divergence often occurs as fewer and fewer stocks make new highs (the indicator falls), yet the market indices continue to reach new highs. This is a classic bearish divergence that indicates that the current upward trend is weak and may reverse.
TTM Squeeze Indicator
The TTM Squeeze indicator has been added to the product. The indicator uses Bollinger Bands and Keltner's Channel to detect consolidation zones right before a big move. When both bands of the Bollinger Bands indicator are inside Keltner's Channel, that means the squeeze condition and the red dots on the horizontal axis appear. The TTM Squeeze indicator is plotted along with the smoothed Momentum Oscillator. When the indicator is green and the Momentum Oscillator is colored cyan, it is considered a buy signal. When the indicator is green and the Momentum is red, it is considered a sell signal. When the indicator is red, no trade is recommended. The TTM Squeeze indicator has five parameters: the period for Bollinger Bands and the Keltner's Channel, the number of standard deviations for the Bollinger Bands, the number of ATRs for the Keltner Channel, the period for the Momentum, and the period for the EMA-smoothing of the Momentum indicator. You can select this indicator in the Trend Indicators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by ttms in the Formula Screener. For example, ttms(20,2,1.5,12,5) ttms_newred expression means TTM Squeeze New Red Dot condition. Or, ttms(20,2,1.5,12,5) > 0 reads as the Momentum histogram of the TTM Squeeze indicator is above zero.
Tokyo Stock Exchange
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) has been added to the product. The Tokyo Stock Exchange, abbreviated as Tosho or TSE/TYO, is a stock exchange located in Tokyo, Japan. It is the third-largest stock exchange in the world by aggregate market capitalization of its listed companies and the largest in Asia. The exchange is owned by the Japan Exchange Group (JPX). To screen this exchange, select the appropriate item in the Stock Universe criteria category of the Stock Screener tool. Or, in the Formula Screener, you can use exch(tse) expression for setting TSE as a stock universe criteria.
Chandelier Exit Indicator
The Chandelier Exit indicator has been added to the product. Similar to the SuperTrend and VStop indicators, the Chandelier Exit allows you to determine the trend direction and trend reversal points. If you have open trading positions, the indicator helps to stay in the trend as long as possible. According to theory, traders should close long positions at the highest high since opening a position minus 3 ATR. You may refer to the Chandelier Exit indicator by chandexit in a formula expression. For example, chandexit(22,3) means that 3 x 22-day ATR will be used in the indicator calculation. For using Chandelier Exit as a trailing stop loss in the Strategy Backtester tool, set stopat(chandexit(22,3)) formula expression as a criterion for closing a position. In this case, it is also necessary that the price is above the indicator value when opening a position. To do this, you can use an additional expression for the criteria for opening a position: price > chandexit(22,3)
Volatility Stop Indicator
The Volatility Stop indicator (VStop) helps to determine the trend direction and entry points. But as the name suggests, this indicator will be more helpful in determining stop-loss levels for existing open positions. The indicator line is plotted at a specified number of ATRs from the price. Thus, the higher the volatility, the more the indicator line will move away from the price. For example, in an uptrend, the price is less likely to touch or cross below the indicator line, and if you use it as a trailing stop loss, this will allow you to stay in the trend longer. Those who are familiar with the SuperTrend indicator will notice that these indicators are very similar to each other. You may refer to the VStop indicator by vstop in a formula expression. For example, vstop(20,2) means that 2 x 20-day ATR will be used in the indicator calculation. For using VStop as a trailing stop loss in the Strategy Backtester tool, set stopat(vstop(20,2)) formula expression as a criterion for closing a position.
Formula expression: CORREL function
The CORREL function has been added to the product. This function returns the correlation coefficient between the specified ticker and the ticker that is checked against the screening criteria. For example, if we want to find all stocks whose correlation coefficient with the ticker SPY is more than 0.95, the formula expression will be correl(spy) > 0.95. The correlation will be calculated for the last 21 business days by default. You can change this period by setting the second parameter, for example: correl(spy,50) > 0.95.

Stock correlation is the statistical measure of the relationship between the two stocks. The correlation coefficient ranges between -1 and +1. A correlation of +1 implies that the two stocks will move in the same direction 100% of the time. A correlation of -1 means the two stocks will move in the opposite direction 100% of the time. A correlation of zero means that the relationship between the stocks is entirely random. Correlations do not always remain stable and can even change daily. Correlation analysis can help you to diversify your positions. Imperfect correlation between two different stocks allows for more diversification and marginally lower risk.
KDJ Indicator
The KDJ indicator has been added to the product. The KDJ indicator is a derivative of the Stochastic oscillator adding additional smoothing to the K and D lines. It turns out that, compared to the Stochastic, this is a more lagging indicator, but it generates fewer false signals when the K and D lines cross. As well as for the Stochastic, the divergence between the price and line K creates a reliable trading signal. At the same time, moving the line K beyond the oversold/overbought zone makes this signal even stronger. As the name "KDJ" suggests, the indicator has another line, line J. You can think of this line as the difference between the K and D lines. The J line can give you a trading signal earlier K and D lines when crossing. For example, when the J line is above 80 and reverses, this is a sell signal, and vice versa, when the line is below 20 and reverses, it is a buy signal. In the Formula Screener, you can use kdjk, kdjd, and kdjj variables to refer to K-Line, D-Line, and J-Line correspondingly. For example, kdjk(9,3,3) ca kdjd(9,3,3) reads as K-Line crossed above D-Line.
Heikin Ashi
Heikin Ashi charts have been added to the product and you can now screen on Heikin Ashi! Heikin Ashi charts were developed by Munehisa Homma in the distant 18th century. And yes, this is the same Japanese trader who came up with Japanese candlesticks. The idea behind Heikin Ashi is to make the chart more balanced by eliminating minor price fluctuations. On the Heikin Ashi charts, trends are better visible since the candle color changes less often. For the same reason, it is easy to recognize a possible trend change. All technical analysis indicators apply to Heikin Ashi. Traders can consider crossovers with moving averages as a signal of a trend reversal, and in combination with oscillators, Heikin Ashi can act as an effective filter of false signals. You can select Heikin Ashi criteria in the Moving Averages and Chart Patterns categories of the Stock Screener tool. Or, in the Formula Screener, for any condition, you can indicate that it must apply to the Heikin Ashi chart, for example, ( price ca sma(50) )@heikin
The SHOW function enhancement
In the SHOW function, you can now specify a column name, for example, show(rsi(14) as rsi). This name will act as a title when this column is added on the Stock Screener results page. If you add several columns, you can specify a name for each of them, for example, show(rsi(14) as rsi, sma(50) as ma). If no name is specified, then the column will be added with an auto-generated title.
Strategy Backtester enhancement
Previously, the Backtester tool operated on data that was updated daily, after the US market close. Updating during non-trading hours led to some difficulties for those who used the Backtester tool to track their trading portfolios. The data for the Backtester is now updated every minute. You can perform backtesting a few minutes before the market close to synchronize your trading positions. Or, if your strategy uses the "Next Day Open" model, you can perform backtesting shortly after the market opens to synchronize positions. Thus, the Backtester tool is now not only a tool for testing strategies, but it can also be useful when executing strategies.
Formula expression: @FIXED token
The @fixed token allows you to build more complex formulaic expressions, and for a start, let's look at an example. Suppose we want to find stocks for which the RSI(14) indicator has reached its maximum value in the last ten days. The formula expression (rsi(14) > rsi(14)@1)@{0..10} will not work here since any value of the indicator will be compared with the previous value (rsi(14) > rsi(14)@1 and rsi(14)@1 > rsi(14)@2 and .. and rsi(14)@9 > rsi(14)@10). But if we "fix" today's RSI(14) value and compare it with the ten previous values, then we get what we need: (rsi(14)@fixed > rsi(14)@1)@{0..10}. The new formula will be equivalent to rsi(14) > rsi(14)@1 and rsi(14) > rsi(14)@2 and .. and rsi(14) > rsi(14)@10. In the next example, we want to find stocks where today's closing price is higher than the closing price of at least one of the last ten days. The formula expression in this case will look like this: (close[0]@fixed > close[1])@[0..10]. Note that in this example, we used square brackets instead of curly brackets. This formula will be equivalent to close[0] > close[1] or close[0] > close[2] or .. or close[0] > close[10]. Thus, range shifts are not applied to a @fixed expression, allowing it to have a fixed value. As if we can build loops, leaving some expressions inside the loop unchanged.
Formula expression: Index/Ticker condition enhancement
The ability to add index condition allows the stock screener to give out results according to the main criteria, but only if the index condition is also met. For example, the formula expression price trend_up 10 and (ema(50) > ema(200))@sp500 will give out stocks that have been trending for the last ten days, but only if the 50-day period EMA is higher than 200-day period EMA on the S&P 500 chart. If the S&P 500 does not pass the moving average criteria, then the screener results will be empty even if some stocks meet the trend condition. Now you can use not only indexes but also any ticker, for example, we can rewrite the above formula as price trend_up 10 and (ema(50) > ema(200))@aapl. Thus, the moving average condition must be met on the AAPL ticker. For non-US tickers, we need to add the appropriate suffix, for example,, @vod.l,, etc.
Moving Average of the OBV
Simple and Exponential Moving Averages of the OBV have been added to the product. On Balance Volume (OBV) was developed by Joe Granville and originally presented in his book New Strategy of Daily Stock Market Timing for Maximum Profits. On Balance Volume is a running total of volume. It shows if the volume is flowing into or out of a security. When the security closes higher than the previous close, all of the day's volume is considered up-volume. When the security closes lower than the previous close, all of the day's volume is considered down-volume. The basic assumption, regarding OBV analysis, is that OBV changes precede price changes. The theory is that smart money can be seen flowing into the security by a rising OBV. When the public then moves into the security, both the security and the OBV will surge ahead.
The use of OBV, combined with moving averages, helps traders identify changes in the trend. You can add OBV and its simple or exponential moving average crossover condition in the Formula Screener tool. For example, obv ca smaobv(20) expression reads as "OBV crossed above its 20-period simple moving average" or obv cb emaobv(20) reads as "OBV crossed below its 20-period exponential moving average". You can also add a condition that detects whether the OBV is above or below the moving average, for example, obv > emaobv(20).
Advance/Decline Ratio
The Advance/Decline Ratio indicator has been added to the product. The Advance / Decline Ratio is a popular market breadth indicator that shows the ratio of advancing issues to declining issues. It is calculated by dividing the number of advancing issues by the number of declining issues. A moving average of the Advance / Decline Ratio is often used as an overbought/oversold indicator. The higher the value, the more "excessive" the rally and the more likely a correction. Likewise, low readings imply an oversold market and suggest a technical rally.
Now charts can be from tiny to huge in size
You can select the size of the chart so that it better fits your screen. You can do this not only on the Stock Chart page but also on the Stock Screener results page when switching to the Charts view. You can also scale charts up or down using the corresponding Zoom option. In this case, the size of the chart does not change, but the graphic elements in it increase or decrease. In the first case, you will better see the details of price bars and technical indicators. In the second case, you can see an overview of the price movement over the last decade.
Font enhancement
Perhaps you have already noticed the fonts on the site have become larger for a better perception of information. Instead of the tiny Arial, which was hard to perceive even on a large monitor, the Lato enlarged font replaced it. Lato is a sans serif typeface family that started in the summer of 2010 by Warsaw-based designer Lukasz Dziedzic ("Lato" means "Summer" in Polish). He used classical proportions to give the letterforms familiar harmony and elegance. The semi-rounded details of the letters give Lato a feeling of warmth, while the strong structure provides stability and seriousness. Thanks, Lukasz, for the awesome font!
Strategy Backtester enhancement
The Strategy Backtester tool now allows you to specify a model for closing a position. Previously, exiting positions in all strategy tests was performed at closing prices, when the criteria for closing a position were met. That is, the "Close Prices" model was used. The newly added "Next Day Open" model allows you to postpone closing a position until the next day/bar opens. When this model is selected, the criteria for closing a position is still checked at the end of the trading day, but closing the position is performed at the opening price of the next day. It should be noted that this model is activated if the criteria for closing a position are specified. Otherwise, exiting positions will be performed at closing prices.
Changes in industry classification
The classification of industries used in the stock screening tools on the website has been changed to comply with the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS). Please review your stock screens that use a sector or industry screening criteria and make the appropriate changes. The list of new sectors and industries, as well as a mapping table between old and new industries, can be viewed on this page. Stock screens that use a sector or industry criteria could not be automatically converted and therefore require your attention.
Portfolio Tracker enhancements
The Portfolio Tracker tool now includes performance metrics and charts that allow you to visualize the current status of your trading portfolio. There is no multicurrency support in the tool yet, and if your portfolio includes trading instruments in different currencies, then statistics on this portfolio will not work correctly. In this case, it is recommended to create separate trading portfolios for assets of different currencies. Along with adding statistics, the tool now also allows partial closing of a position.
Formula expression: STOPAT function
This function will be useful to those who develop and test their trading strategies in the Backtester tool. It instructs the trading simulator to move the stop loss level to the specified value. As a parameter, you can specify an indicator, function, or another formula expression that returns a numerical value. For example: stopat(psar(0.02,0.2)), stopat(ema(7)), stopat(lowest(21)). If the expression for closing a position has already been set, then the function must be added using the or operator, for example, your_formula_for_closing_a_position_here or stopat(psar(0.02,0.2)). You can have only one stopat function in your formula. Please note that the stopat function is applied with a one day/bar delay. That is, stop loss is calculated on the current day/bar but will be applied on the next day/bar.
Formula expression: TAKEAT function
This function will be useful to those who develop and test their trading strategies in the Backtester tool. It instructs the trading simulator to move the take profit level to the specified value. As a parameter, you can specify an indicator, function, or another formula expression that returns a numerical value. For example: takeat(bbub(20,2)), takeat(1.5 * ema(50)), takeat(highest(21)). If the expression for closing a position has already been set, then the function must be added using the or operator, for example: your_formula_for_closing_a_position_here or takeat(bbub(20,2)). You can have only one takeat function in your formula. Please note that the takeat function is applied with a one day/bar delay. That is, take profit is calculated on the current day/bar but will be applied on the next day/bar.
SMI Ergodic Indicator
The SMIE indicator (SMI Ergodic) has been added to the product. The SMI Ergodic Indicator is the same as the True Strength Index (TSI) developed by William Blau, except the SMI Ergodic includes a signal line. The SMI uses double moving averages of price minus previous price over 2-time frames. The signal line, which is an EMA of the SMI, is plotted to help trigger trading signals. If the SMI crosses below the signal line, a sell signal will be generated. Conversely, if the SMI crosses above the signal line, a buy signal will be given.
Formula expression: SHOW function
This function allows you to add custom columns to the Stock Screener results page. These may be the values of technical or financial indicators or other metrics available for use in formula expression. The necessary columns should be listed in the function parameters, for example, show(ema(100), rsi(14), eps). Columns will be added to the right of the standard columns of the stock screen and display the corresponding values for each ticker. Technical indicators listed in the show function will also be plotted on charts that are opened from the stock screen and on mini charts when switching to the "Charts" view. The pattern for using the show function is as follows: your_formula_expression_is_here and show(rsi(14)).
Formula expression: DRAW function
The draw function allows you to add the necessary technical indicators to the chart. Technical indicators listed in the draw function will be plotted on charts that are opened from the Stock Screener results page and on mini charts when switching to the "Charts" view. The pattern for using the draw function is as follows: your_formula_expression_is_here and draw(rsi(14)).
Formula expression: HIST function
Previously, the historical screening option was available only in the regular Stock Screener tool. Now it is also possible in the formula stock screener using the hist function. This function instructs the stock screener to switch to historical screening. The screener will select stocks that match the formula expression as of the specified date. The date should be indicated in a short date format: month/day/year. The pattern for using the hist function is as follows: your_formula_expression_is_here and hist(7/31/2019).
Formula expression: SORTBY function
In some cases, it may be necessary to sort the stock screener results by technical indicator, financial metric, or another parameter, while it may not be in the set of standard columns of a stock screen. In this case, you can use the sortby function in the formula expression, specifying the sort parameter in it, the sort direction asc (ascending) or desc (descending), and, if necessary, the number of top records that need to be selected after sorting. For example, sortby(rsi(3), asc) will sort the stocks by the RSI indicator value in ascending order or sortby(dvd_yield, desc, 10) will sort the stocks by dividend yield in descending order and take only the top 10. In the first example, we could simply write sortby(rsi(3)) since the ascending order will be used by default. The pattern for using the sortby function is as follows: your_formula_expression_is_here and sortby(rsi(3)). This function can also be used in the Strategy Backtest tool to set more flexible prioritization when adding stocks to the trading portfolio. In this case, the criteria for opening a position should be set using a formula expression. You can view all the functions supported in the formula expression on the Formula Screener help page.
%B Indicator
The Bollinger Bands %B indicator has been added to the product. Bollinger Bands %B is an indicator derived from the standard Bollinger Bands indicator. The creator of Bollinger Bands, John Bollinger, introduced %B in 2010 almost three decades after the introduction of his Bollinger Bands. If the price has moved up to the upper Bollinger band, this indicator will be near the value "1". And vice versa, it will be near zero when the price is near the lower band. In cases where price moves further away from the limits of the Bollinger band, it will have values higher than one or lower than zero:
%B = (Price - Lower Band) / (Upper Band - Lower Band)
The higher the indicator is, the more we can consider that the instrument is overbought and that its price may fall in the short term. The lower the indicator is, the more likely it will be oversold, and its price may go up in the short term. In the Formula Screener, you can use pb(20,2) for the %B indicator line.
Connors RSI Indicator
The CRSI indicator (Connors RSI) has been added to the product. Connors RSI is a technical analysis indicator created by Larry Connors that is actually a composite of three separate components. It represents a new way to calculate Relative Strength that combines Classic (Wilder's) RSI with two additional indicators. In the case of Classic RSI, many of the extreme "oversold" points offer good reversal opportunities, but we can also see that many of them are not generated at optimal entry points. By contrast, the Connors RSI generates extreme oversold levels much less frequently, resulting in fewer, better trading opportunities.
The Dobermans Of The Dow strategy
The Dobermans Of The Dow strategy has been added to the list of popular trading strategies. This strategy is a slightly modified version of the Dobermans of the Dow strategy introduced by Michael Cannivet in Forbes magazine in 2019. Unlike the original strategy, we do not rank the components of the DJIA index by ROE (Return On Equity) and FCF (Free Cash Flow), but set the filtering criteria so that the stocks have ROE and FCF above the threshold values. Next, we rank the selected stocks by FCF in descending order and take the top ten. To do this, we use the Prioritize Stocks by parameter and limit the portfolio size to 10 positions. Conditions for closing a position are not set, but the portfolio is rebalanced annually.
TRIX Indicator
The TRIX indicator (Triple Exponential Average) has been added to the product. TRIX is a momentum indicator that displays the percent rate-of-change of a triple exponentially smoothed moving average of the security`s closing price. It is designed to keep you in trends equal to or shorter than the number of periods you specify. The TRIX indicator oscillates around a zero line. Its triple exponential smoothing is designed to filter out `insignificant` cycles (i.e., those that are shorter than the number of periods you specify). Trades should be placed when the indicator changes direction (i.e., buy when it turns up and sell when it turns down). You may want to plot a 9-period moving average of the TRIX to create a signal line (similar to the MACD indicator, and then buy when the TRIX rises above its signal, and sell when it falls below its signal. Divergences between the security and the TRIX can also help identify turning points. The indicator has two parameters, the first is the period for calculating the TRIX line, and the second is the smoothing period for calculating the signal line. In the Formula Screener, you can use trix(14,9) for the TRIX indicator line and trixs(14,9) for the TRIX signal line. For example, a crossover condition might look like this: trix(14,9) ca trixs(14,9)
Popular Trading Strategies
The Strategy Backtest section now has a list of popular trading strategies. At the moment, it includes such strategies as The Friday Gold Rush, Turnaround Tuesday, Larry Connors RSI-2, Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, and Dogs of the Dow. All strategies have shown good results over the last 20 years. Backtest results and statistics for each strategy are updated daily. You can copy any strategy by clicking Create a Copy on the backtest report page. In this case, a copy will be added to your strategies list.
Backtester improvement
Now it is possible to set criteria for opening and closing a position using a formula expression. This can be done by selecting the Set by a formula expression option and clicking the Set button to enter the formula in the strategy building tool. Previously, this could only be done by selecting a formula screen as a criterion for opening or closing a position, which was inconvenient since it required creating the formula screen in advance. Now a faster way has appeared, and at the moment, the criteria can be set: using the criteria builder, using a formula expression, and through the criteria of the previously saved stock screen.
Formula expression: TICKER function
In order to run the formula stock screener on a custom stock list, you need to specify the name of the watch list in brackets in the formula. To do this, you must first create such a list in the Watch List tool. This is not always convenient since you need to leave the formula screen editing page. Now you can use the ticker function with the names of the stocks you need as parameters, for example, ticker(fb,aapl,amzn,nflx,goog). This can be especially useful if you want to use this formula in backtesting, that is, test your trading strategy on one or more stocks. You can view all the functions supported in the formula expression on the Formula Screener help page.
A new type of strategy optimization
A new type of strategy optimization Position Maintenance has been added to the Optimization tab of the Backtester tool. This will help you to find the best position maintenance options for your trading strategy. Two types of optimization are currently available: Top Performers and Position Maintenance. You can switch to the type you need by selecting the appropriate item in the Optimization Type field.
New stock exchanges added
Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) and the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SHSE) have been added to the product. The same functionality is available for them as for other exchanges. To screen these exchanges, select the appropriate items in the Stock Universe criteria category of the Stock Screener tool.
Access to a trading position in the backtesting tool
As you know, a formula expression can be used as a criterion for closing a position in the Strategy Backtest tool. This can be done by ticking the "Extract criteria from screen" option and selecting the appropriate formula screen. Now in this formula, you can get the value of the price at which the position was opened using the posprice literal. You can find some examples of using this literal on the Formula Screener help page.
Linear Regression Channel Indicator
The Linear Regression Channel indicator (LRC) has been added to the product. This indicator plots a linear regression line and two other lines that are a specified standard deviation away. The indicator has two parameters. The first parameter is the number of bars to use in the calculation, and the second parameter is the number of standard deviations to use to draw the channel above and below the Linear Regression Line. The Linear Regression Channel indicator is typically used to analyze the upper and lower limits of an existing trend. It helps traders to find optimal entry and exit points during price tendencies on the chart. You can find LRC criteria in the "Line Studies" - "Price" category of the Stock Screener tool. For example, a condition for a price to cross a linear regression line would read Price Crossed Above Middle Line of LRC(100,2). Of course, you can also use the linear regression channel lines in a formula expression.

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