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Altman Z-Score
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The Altman Z-Score is a statistical tool used to measure the likelihood that a company will go bankrupt. It is based on five financial ratios that can be calculated from data found on a company's annual 10K report. A score below 1.8 means the company is probably headed for bankruptcy, while companies with scores above 3 are not likely to go bankrupt. In 2007, the credit ratings of specific asset-related securities had been rated higher than they should have been. The Altman Z-score indicated that the companies' risks were increasing significantly and may have been heading for bankruptcy.
  Altman Z-Score Action
 Altman Z-Score: Greater than 3 - Safety Zone    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Altman Z-Score: 1.8 to 3 - Grey Zone    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Altman Z-Score: Less than 1.8 - Distress Zone    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   

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