MarketInOut.com provides one of the most powerful and easy-to-use Stock Portfolio Tracker. It allows you to create an unlimited number of portfolios and add stocks from 35+ international stock exchanges. Each portfolio is updated intra-day with current last prices, daily performance, and gain/loss values. It is easy to add a new position, as the Portfolio Tracker automatically calculates the number of shares using the "Investment per Trade" parameter and current share price. To close a trading position is also very simple because all fields, such as exit date and price, are already pre-filled in the corresponding dialog window. The Portfolio Tracker is also integrated into the Stock Screener tool. You can add stocks to your portfolio right on the Stock Screener results page.
It is worth noting that the tool also allows you to view the visual representation of any open or closed position. Two arrows on the chart, entry date/price and exit date/price, allow you to see how the trade performs. You can use the Portfolio Taker to monitor your live brokerage accounts. It will also help test your trading strategies before going live. This tool is straightforward to use for "paper trading".
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