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Beneish M-Score
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Created by Professor Messod Beneish, the M-Score is a mathematical model that uses eight financial ratios to identify whether a company has managed/manipulated its earnings. An M-Score of less than -2.22 suggests that the company will not be a manipulator. An M-Score of greater than -2.22 signals that the company is likely to be a manipulator. Enron Corporation was correctly identified as an earnings manipulator by students from Cornell University using M-Score. Noticeably, Wall Street financial analysts were still recommending buying Enron shares then.
  Beneish M-Score Action
 Beneish M-Score: Less than -2.22 - Not Manipulator    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Beneish M-Score: Greater than -2.22 - Manipulator    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   

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