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Strategy Name CANSLIM System
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CANSLIM is a growth investing strategy focused on smaller, market-leading companies. The system is named after the first letters of its basic rules, which consider fundamental indicators such as current earnings, annual earnings, year-over-year earnings performance, 5-year earnings growth rate, relative strength, price performance, and other factors. In this version of the strategy, only the annual rebalancing of the portfolio is applied. Other position maintenance parameters, such as Stop Loss or Take Profit, are not used.
Type of Positions Long
 Position Opening 
Criteria for Opening a Position: eps_qtr > 0 and eps_yoy > 18 and eps_yoy > eps_yoy[1] and eps_5y_growth > 25 and eps > eps_y and eps_y > eps_y[1] and eps_y[1] > eps_y[2] and offh_252 < 10 and shares_out <= 20 and rs252 >= 80
Order Execution Model: Close Prices
 Backtest Parameters 
Initial Capital: $10,000
Capital at Risk: 10% per trade
Portfolio Max Size: 10 positions
Comm. per Trade: $0.00  
Avg Bid-Ask Spread: 0.02%  
Close position at the end of: Year
Period: 1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025
The backtester displays results for the current year only. Please sign up to view the full report.
Total Profit: $-753   Total Trades: 5  
Capital Growth:-7.53%   Profit Trades, % of Total:0%  
Profit Factor: [?] 0.00  Avg Trade Duration, days:47.2  
Payoff Ratio: [?] 0.00   Avg Profit per Trade:-15.2%  
Max Drawdown:11%   Avg Profit per Day:-0.32%  
Max Drawdown, $: 1,088   Avg Market Impact: [?]
Restoration Factor: [?] -0.69   Overall Viability Score: [?]
3 / 10
Avg Annual Return: -7.53%   CAGR: [?]0%  
 Equity Graph 
Year S&P 500 Equity JanFeb MarAprMay JunJulAug SepOctNov Dec
2025 -5.11 -7.53 1.99 -4.16 -5.40
Performed Trades  
 Symbol Entry Date
Price, $
Exit Date
Price, $
Shares Profit, $  Exit On
Loss, $
Profit, $
 MI [?]
 IBEX 02/07/2025 24.49 03/28/2025 24.42 40 -3.00  Period End  Minor 
 MGYR 01/27/2025 14.54 03/28/2025 13.98 68 -38.27  Period End  High 
 MIND 01/23/2025 8.59 03/28/2025 5.89 116 -313.34  Period End  Minor 
 SLNG 01/03/2025 6.46 03/28/2025 4.97 154 -229.61  Period End  High 
 BBW 01/02/2025 43.83 03/28/2025 36.15 22 -169.12  Period End  Minor 
5 trades

Backtesting Results Disclaimer
Past hypothetical backtest results are neither an indicator nor a guarantee of future returns. Actual results may vary from the analysis. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations and cannot fully account for market factors such as bid-ask spread, slippage, and commission costs. There are numerous other factors related to the markets, which cannot be fully accounted for in the backtesting algorithm, but all of which can adversely affect actual trading results.

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