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List of Technical Indicators

The following table contains the complete list of technical indicators that can be used in formula expression. They can also be accessed using the Formula Expression Helper tool.

 Indicator Example Explanation
ac(5,34,5)Accelerator Oscillator
acceleration(26,9)Acceleration line of the VAcc indicator
adAccumulation / Distribution
adr(14)Average Daily Range
adx(14)Average Directional Movement Index
ao(5,34)Awesome Oscillator
aroon(25)Aroon Indicator
aroonosc(25)Aroon Oscillator
atr(14)Average True Range
bs(5)Balance Step
bbands(20,2)Bollinger Bands
bb(20,2)Bollinger BandWidth, %
pb(20,2)Bollinger %B
bbub(20,2)Upper Band of Bollinger Bands
bbmb(20,2)Middle Band of Bollinger Bands
bblb(20,2)Lower Band of Bollinger Bands
bopBalance Of Power
chandexit(22,3)Chandelier Exit
chmo(9)Chande Momentum Oscillator
cho(3,10)Chaikin Oscillator
chop(14)Choppiness Index
cci(18)Commodity Channel Index
cmf(20)Chaikin Money Flow
coppock(14,11,10)Coppock Curve
crsi(3,2,100)Connors RSI
cv(10,12)Chaikin Volatility
dayopenToday's Open (applicable for intraday periods only)
dayhighToday's High (applicable for intraday periods only)
daylowToday's Low (applicable for intraday periods only)
dhighYesterday's High (applicable for intraday periods only)
dlowYesterday's Low (applicable for intraday periods only)
dcloseYesterday's Close (applicable for intraday periods only)
darvasub(5,3)Upper bound of the Darvas Box
darvaslb(5,3)Lower bound of the Darvas Box
dema(50)Double Exponential Moving Average
dim(14)Negative Directional Indicator (-DI)
dip(14)Positive Directional Indicator (+DI)
dpo(20)Detrended Price Oscillator
dss(13,8)DSS Bressert (period stoch, period ema)
earnrepEarnings report dates markup
earnext(15)Earnings report dates markup, including upcoming earnings reports for the specified number of days
ema(50)Exponential Moving Average
ema(50,7)Forward shifted Exponential Moving Average. The extra "7" at the end is the shifting parameter.
emah(50)Exponential Moving Average applied to high prices
emal(50)Exponential Moving Average applied to low prices
emae(50,20)Exponential Moving Average Envelope
emaeub(50,20)Upper Bound of Exponential Moving Average Envelope
emaelb(50,20)Lower Bound of Exponential Moving Average Envelope
emaobv(20)Exponential Moving Average of OBV
emarsi(14,9)Exponential Moving Average of RSI
emv(14)Ease of Movement
force(14)Elder Force Index
fractals(2,2)Williams' Fractals
hma(50)Hull Moving Average
ibs(10)Internal Bar Strength (Period for signal line)
imi(14)Intraday Momentum Index
tenkan(9,26,52)Ichimoku, Tenkun Line
kijun(9,26,52)Ichimoku, Kijun Line
spana(9,26,52)Ichimoku, Span A Line
spanb(9,26,52)Ichimoku, Span B Line
chikou(9,26,52)Ichimoku, Chikou Line
kama(30)Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average
keltub(20,2,10)Keltner Upper Band
keltmb(20,2,10)Keltner Middle Band
keltlb(20,2,10)Keltner Lower Band
kdj(9,3,3)KDJ Indicator K-Line
kdjd(9,3,3)KDJ Indicator D-Line
kdjj(9,3,3)KDJ Indicator J-Line
kst(10,15,20,30,10,10,10,15,9)Know Sure Thing
macds(12,26,9)MACD Signal Line
macdh(12,26,9)MACD Histogram
mama(0.5,0.05)MESA Adaptive Moving Average
mfi(14)Money Flow Index
mhighLast Month High
mlowLast Month Low
mcloseLast Month Close
monthopenThis Month Open
monthhighThis Month High
monthlowThis Month Low
mi(25)Mass Index
minusvi(14)Vortex Indicator -VI Line
nadr(14)Normalized Average Daily Range
natr(14)Normalized Average True Range
nvi(255)Negative Volume Index
nvis(255)Negative Volume Index, Signal Line
obvOn Balance Volume
pb(20,2)Bollinger %B
ppPivot Point
ps1Pivot Point (S1)
ps2Pivot Point (S2)
pr1Pivot Point (R1)
pr2Pivot Point (R2)
cppCamarilla Pivot Point
cs1Camarilla Pivot Point (S1)
cs2Camarilla Pivot Point (S2)
cs3Camarilla Pivot Point (S3)
cs4Camarilla Pivot Point (S4)
cr1Camarilla Pivot Point (R1)
cr2Camarilla Pivot Point (R2)
cr3Camarilla Pivot Point (R3)
cr4Camarilla Pivot Point (R4)
pgo(14)Pretty Good Oscillator
plusvi(14)Vortex Indicator +VI Line
ppo(12,26,9)Percentage Price Oscillator
ppos(12,26,9)PPO Signal Line
ppoh(12,26,9)PPO Histogram
psar(0.02,0.2)Parabolic SAR
pvi(255)Positive Volume Index
pvis(255)Positive Volume Index, Signal Line
qqe(14,5,4.236)Quantitative Qualitative Estimation (QQE)
qqes(14,5,4.236)QQE, Smoothed RSI line
qsticks(8,5)QStick Signal Line
range(5)Price % Range
roc(10)Price Rate of Change
rmi(14,10)Relative Momentum Indicator
rs51-Week Relative Strength
rs102-Week Relative Strength
rs211-Month Relative Strength
rs683-Month Relative Strength
rs1266-Month Relative Strength
rs2521-Year Relative Strength
rsi(14)Relative Strength Index
sma(50)Simple Moving Average
sma(50,7)Forward shifted Simple Moving Average. The extra "7" at the end is the shifting parameter.
smah(50)Simple Moving Average applied to high prices
smal(50)Simple Moving Average applied to low prices
smae(50,20)Simple Moving Average Envelope
smaeub(50,20)Upper Bound of Simple Moving Average Envelope
smaelb(50,20)Lower Bound of Simple Moving Average Envelope
smaobv(20)Simple Moving Average of OBV
smarsi(14,9)Simple Moving Average of RSI
smi(5,3,3)Stochastic Momentum Indicator
smid(5,3,3)Stochastic Momentum Indicator Signal Line
smie(25,13,7)SMI Ergodic Indicator
snr_res(9,1)The first resistance level of S&R indicator
snr_sup(9,1)The first support level of S&R indicator
snroc_res(9,1)The first resistance level of S&ROC indicator
snroc_sup(9,1)The first support level of S&ROC indicator
snrc_res(9,1)The first resistance level of S&RC indicator
snrc_sup(9,1)The first support level of S&RC indicator
starcub(5,1.33,15)STARC, Upper Band
starcmb(5,1.33,15)STARC, Middle Band
starclb(5,1.33,15)STARC, Lower Band
stc(23,50,10)Schaff Trend Cycle
stddev(5,1)Standard Deviation
stoch(5,3,3)Stochastic Oscillator (period, slow %K, slow %D)
slowk(5,3,3)Stochastic Oscillator (period, slow %K, slow %D), the %K Line
slowd(5,3,3)Stochastic Oscillator (period, slow %K, slow %D), the %D Line
stochrsi(14,5,3,3)Stochastic RSI(period RSI, period Stoch, slow %K, slow %D)
stochrsik(14,5,3,3)Stochastic RSI(period RSI, period Stoch, slow %K, slow %D), the %K Line
stochrsid(14,5,3,3)Stochastic RSI(period RSI, period Stoch, slow %K, slow %D), the %D Line
supertrend(3,7)SuperTrend Indicator
tema(50)Triple Exponential Moving Average
tmf(21)Twiggs Money Flow
trix(14,8)Triple Exponential Average
trixs(14,8)Triple Exponential Average Signal Line
tsi(25,13)True Strength Index
ttms(20,2,1.5,12,5)TTM Squeeze (Period, BBands StdDevs, Keltner ATRs, MOM Period, EMA of MOM Period)
ttmshist(20,2,1.5,12,5)TTM Squeeze Histogram (Period, BBands StdDevs, Keltner ATRs, MOM Period, EMA of MOM Period)
uo(7,14,28)Ultimate Oscillator
udon(20)Upper Donchian
mdon(20)Middle Donchian
ldon(20)Lower Donchian
ulr(100,2)Upper Line of Linear Regression Channel (period, number of standard deviations)
mlr(100,2)Middle Line of Linear Regression Channel (period, number of standard deviations)
llr(100,2)Lower Line of Linear Regression Channel (period, number of standard deviations)
slr(100,2)Slope of Linear Regression Channel (period, number of standard deviations)
vacc(26,9)Velocity and Acceleration (VAcc)
velocity(26,9)Velocity line of the VAcc indicator
vma(20)Volume Moving Average
vo(7,14)Volume Oscillator
vptVolume Price Trend
vr(21)Volume Ratio
vstop(20,2)Volatility Stop
vwapVolume Weighted Average Prices (Supported only for IEX, Forex, and crypto exchanges)
vwma(50)Volume Weighted Moving Average
wadWilliam's Accumulation / Distribution
wavetrend(10,21)WaveTrend Oscillator
wts(10,21)WaveTrend Signal Line
wild(21)Wilder Moving Average
wma(50)Weighted Moving Average
wma(50,7)Forward shifted Weighted Moving Average. The extra "7" at the end is the shifting parameter.
wpr(14)Williams` Percent Range
whighLast Week High
wlowLast Week Low
wcloseLast Week Close
weekopenThis Week Open
weekhighThis Week High
weeklowThis Week Low
yhighLast Year High
ylowLast Year Low
ycloseLast Year Close
yearopenThis Year Open
yearhighThis Year High
yearlowThis Year Low

The following table contains the complete list of supported market breadth indicators. They apply only to the following symbols: dow.i, sp500.i, nyse.i, nasdaq.i, nasd100.i, ru1000.i, ru2000.i, ru3000.i, rumicro.i, tsx.i, ftse100.i, ftse250.i, ftseall.i, dax.i, hsi.i, sti.i, asx50.i, asx200.i, asxord.i, klci.i, nifty50.i, next50.i, nifty200.i, and nifty500.i.

 Indicator Example Explanation
advdecAdvance/Decline Line
advdecratioAdvance/Decline Ratio
advdecratiomaAdvance/Decline Ratio, 10-Day SMA
advdecvolAdvance/Decline Volume Line
trinArms Index
nhnlNew Highs - New Lows
nhnlmaNew Highs - New Lows, 10-Day SMA
moMcClellan Oscillator
mvoMcClellan Volume Oscillator
msiMcClellan Summation Index
mvsiMcClellan Volume Summation Index
a200ma% of Stocks Above SMA(200)
a100ma% of Stocks Above SMA(100)
a50ma% of Stocks Above SMA(50)
a20ma% of Stocks Above SMA(20)

The following table contains the complete list of technical indicators that can be applied to other indicators.

 Indicator Example Explanation
sma(rsi(14), 50)The simple moving average is applied to another indicator
ema(rsi(14), 50)The exponential moving average is applied to another indicator
wma(mom(14, 50)The weighted moving average is applied to another indicator
rsi(mom(14), 20)The relative strength index is applied to another indicator


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