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The Price/Sales to Industry Average (%) is a metric that compares a company's Price/Sales (P/S) ratio to the average P/S ratio of its industry. This comparison helps investors gauge a company's valuation relative to its peers. If a company's P/S ratio is significantly higher than the industry average, it may be considered overvalued. Conversely, a lower P/S ratio compared to the industry suggests the company might be undervalued. This percentage offers context, helping investors understand the company's valuation in the industry landscape.
Price / Sales to Industry Average, %   Action
 Price / Sales to Industry Avg, %: More than 300    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Sales to Industry Avg, %: 250 to 300    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Sales to Industry Avg, %: 200 to 250    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Sales to Industry Avg, %: 150 to 200    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Sales to Industry Avg, %: 125 to 150    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Sales to Industry Avg, %: 100 to 125    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Sales to Industry Avg, %: 50 to 100    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Sales to Industry Avg, %: 0 to 50    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   

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