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The Price/Cash Flow to Industry Average percentage compares a company's price-to-cash-flow ratio with the average ratio for its industry. This metric helps investors determine whether a company is overvalued or undervalued relative to its peers in the same industry. A higher percentage indicates that the company is more expensive than the industry standard, potentially signaling overvaluation. Conversely, a lower percentage might suggest the company is undervalued. This ratio is commonly used to assess companies with steady cash flows, providing insight into their valuation based on cash generation rather than profits alone.
Price / Cash Flow to Industry Average, %   Action
 Price / Cash Flow to Ind Avg, %: More than 300    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Cash Flow to Ind Avg, %: 250 to 300    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Cash Flow to Ind Avg, %: 200 to 250    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Cash Flow to Ind Avg, %: 150 to 200    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Cash Flow to Ind Avg, %: 125 to 150    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Cash Flow to Ind Avg, %: 100 to 125    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Cash Flow to Ind Avg, %: 50 to 100    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 Price / Cash Flow to Ind Avg, %: 0 to 50    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   

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