Volume trends refer to the patterns formed by trading volume over time. Volume trends can be used as a tool for identifying the strength or weakness of a price trend, as well as for confirming or challenging potential price movements. For example, if the price of an asset is increasing, but the volume of trades is decreasing, this may indicate a lack of conviction in the uptrend and could suggest an impending reversal. Conversely, if the price is increasing on high volume, this may suggest a strong buying interest and could signal a robust uptrend. By analyzing volume trends alongside price movements, traders can make more informed decisions about market participation, entry and exit points, and overall trend analysis.
Volume - Technical Analysis from A to Z
Volume is the number of shares (or contracts) traded during a specified time frame (e.g., hour, day, week, month, etc.). The volume analysis is a basic yet essential element of technical analysis. The volume provides clues as to the intensity of a given price move. Volume can help determine the health of an existing trend. A healthy up-trend should have higher volume on the upward legs of the trend and lower volume on the downward (corrective) legs. A healthy downtrend usually has a higher volume on the downward legs of the trend and a lower volume on the upward (corrective) legs.
On Balance Volume (OBV) - Technical Analysis from A to Z
On Balance Volume ("OBV") is a momentum indicator that relates volume to price change. The OBV indicator is a running total of volume. It shows if the volume is flowing into or out of a security. When the security closes higher than the previous close, all of the day's volume is considered up-volume. When the security closes lower than the previous close, all of the day's volume is considered down-volume.
Ease of Movement - Technical Analysis from A to Z
The Ease of Movement indicator shows the relationship between volume and price change. As
with Equivolume Charting, this indicator shows how much volume is required to move prices. High Ease of Movement values occur when prices move upward on light volume. Low Ease of Movement values occur when prices move downward on light volume. If prices are not moving, or if a heavy volume is required to move prices, then the indicator will also be near zero. The Ease of Movement indicator produces a buy signal when ..